How to Set up Domain Name Service

To make your machine the Primary Nameserver for a domain:

To add primary nameservice for the EQECAT.COM domain you would:
  1. Login to the machine that you have specified as the Primary Nameserver for the EQECAT.COM Domain to the InterNIC. In the case of EQECAT.COM that would be the machine

  2. Become root.

  3. Edit the file: /etc/named.boot

  4. Add a line that looks like this:
    primary              db.eqecat

  5. You will also note a line that begins with the word "directory", and has a pathname following that word. Remember that pathname.

  6. Save the /etc/named.boot file.

  7. cd to the directory pathname from above - this is the directory where your "zone files" are located.

  8. Create and edit a file called db.eqecat (the file has the same name that you installed in /etc/named.boot). The zone file should have the following format:
    ; This is a comment. I Love comments.
    ; SOA Record
    ; Times in seconds.
    @       IN  SOA (
            199509010	; serial number. This is the date: YYYYMMDD
    			; plus an extra digit, usually zero.
    			; If you change the file, change the serial
    			; number. If you change it more than once in a day
    			; change the last digit.
            86400   ; refesh after 24 hours
            3600    ; retry after 1 hour
            604800  ; expire after 1 week
            86400 ) ; minimum TTL of 1 day
    ; Name servers for
    ; This should be the exact same info as was supplied to the InterNIC
            IN  NS
            IN  NS
    ; Domain and MX Records
    ; Change    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX   to the IP number for the machine that
    ; is to be called
    ; If no machine will have that name, remove the line.
                IN  A   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    ; where should we send mail?
    ; To have mail for  go to  instead, uncomment
    ; the next line.
    ;            IN  MX 5
    ; canonical names
    ; This is where you assign host names to specific IP numbers.
    ; If this file is on the machine whose IP number replaced
    ; the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX above, then uncomment the next two lines
    ;localhost       IN  A
    ;loghost         IN  A
    ; Replace YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY with a valid IP number on your network.
    ; The following line assigns the hostname "home" to an IP number.
    home            IN  A   YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY
    ; aliases
    ; Machines can have more than one name.
    ; The next line makes  an alias for
    www             IN  CNAME home
    ; host info
    ; This is purely optional. Broadcasts info about specific host names.       IN      HINFO   SGI/Irix5.4.

  9. After saving the zone file you need to restart the name server program. Type:
    	kill -HUP `cat /etc/`
    Those are back-quotes, not single-quotes.

  10. You are done with setting up primary nameservice.

Setting up a machine to be a secondary nameserver

This is done on a different machine than the Primary Nameserver. There can be more than one Secondary Nameserver for a domain. Each must be listed with the InterNIC.

To make a machine a Secondary nameserver you do the following:

  1. Login to the machine.

  2. Become root.

  3. Edit the file /etc/named.boot and add a line like this:
    The domain name in the second field is the domain name you are doing secondary name service for. The IP number is the IP number of the Primary Nameserver, and the last entry is the name of the zone file that will be created in the directory with the other zone files (the directory specified on the "directory" line in /etc/named.boot)

    In this case, based on the example directory listed above in the explanation of Primary Nameservice named will end up creating a file called /usr/local/etc/named/

  4. Restart named - type:
    	kill -HUP `cat /etc/`
    Again, those are back-quotes, not single quotes.

  5. You're done.

Matisse Enzer - Internet Literacy Consultants 31 August 1995