Bit Calculator - Convert between bits/bytes/kilobits/kilobytes/megabits/megabytes/gigabits/gigabytes.

Enter a number and choose the type of Units

Amount: Units:     Notation Type: (see National Institute of Standards.)

65 bits
(informal notation: kilobyte = 1024 bytes)
bits 65
bytes 8.125
kilobits 0.0634765625
kilobytes 0.0079345703125
megabits 6.19888305664062e-05
megabytes 7.74860382080078e-06
gigabits 6.05359673500061e-08
gigabytes 7.56699591875076e-09
terabytes 7.38964445190504e-12
petabytes 7.21644966006352e-15
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